D2C Account Migration Case Study

D2C Account Migration Case Study


Direct-to-Consumer customers are the most actionable way to add market value to our product. These are existing businesses that have an active customer base that needs to be migrated to our platform.

If using our platform API is the right solution for a new company using the product, this is a way to ensure no account migration is necessary. For the those who need the less configurable but easier to stand-up E-commerce platform solution, we want to have the most optimal account migration strategy to ensure we retain as many customers from their base as possible.

Research & Process

  1. Outline the current strategy of account migration

  2. Meet with engineering teams to determine potential security risks and limitations when migrating account data

  3. Outline potential user flows in Figma

  4. Share findings with stakeholders and speak to the pros and cons of solutions

  5. Document finds and conclusions to share with the broader team


The additional information we could add via account migration (delivery address, credits) is not adding enough value to the consumer to warrant the additional friction in the first purchase experience.

Team Members

Kristen Hannon (Secondary Designer)

Brittany Fuller (Owner)

My Role: 
Principle Designer and Researcher

Tools Used:
Google Meet, Figma

Research, Documentation, Low Fidelity Design

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